Clearly a new look and a new way to put stuff up.
Issue is a new thing I'm trying out to encourage me to report back. I'm not great at social media and marketing so this a neat way to put it out there to get looked at. Its experimental stuff and perhaps a great way to ignite some new ideas in me.
Commissioned is basically my every day work. These are polished gems. Currently on tap Commissioned Portraits
Projects is the work I love getting my hands on. Its raw. Its abstract. Its what I consider personal work. Currently on tap are Behind-The-Scenes pt. I and II.
As you can see this is a blog section. Its more news and updates. Maybe some thoughts on things every now and then. Lets see how this goes.
Social Media is an actively connected page to my current and most often used media apps, instagram and twitter. @bchanger for both just in case.
Contact. Straight forward form to post emails directly to the studio.
More content is on the way. Seriously.